
Protocol.Definitions History

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There are a lot of words here that have a lot of potential to cause confusion because of their ambiguity.

!!! Network

There are two networks here: the '''[Ripple] ''credit/trust/payment'' network''' and the '''[Internet] ''data'' network'''.  We must be careful to specify which we are talking about.

!!! Node/Peer

''Node'' and ''peer'' could refer to entities on either the credit network or the data network.  These are not the same in general -- for example, one data node could hold multiple credit nodes.  So let's try to avoid them and instead use:

* '''[Ripple] Address''' - a node (point/vertex/endpoint) in the credit network that can receive and send payment.
* '''[Ripple] Host''' - a machine on the data network

If we must use ''node'', we should try to prefix ''credit'' or ''data'' where it's not clear.  Historically, ''node'' has meant address in the credit network, and ''peer'' has meant host, so assume that if it's not clear.  It's entirely possible that ''node'' will keep getting used out of sheer inertia.

Also, since a node is an abstract entity managed by server software on host hardware, they may be used interchangeably sometimes.  For examples, saying a node "knows" something is the same as saying its server software knows something, or that its host knows something.

!!! Connection

Again, ''connection'' could be on either the credit network or the data network. So: '''credit/trust connection''' or '''data connection''', if it's not clear from context.

!!! User/Participant

''User'' means a human who controls one or more nodes.  Often it implies that those nodes are grouped on a single server.  (It's possible that a single human might have "users" on multiple servers.) 

''Participant'' is a broad term that might mean user, address/node, server, or host, depending on the context.  Sometimes it's, and so ''participant'' is used as a bit of a catch-all.  It's an informal, vague word.

!!! Client/Server

In the context of the Ripple protocol, let's use '''server''' to describe the Ripple distributed protocol software, and/or a running instance of that software on a Ripple host.  '''Client''' software is that which controls a server and/or retrieves data from it. 
!!! Currency

See [[Main/Currency Ambiguity]].
There are a lot of words here that have a lot of potential to cause confusion because of their ambiguity.  Here are a few definitions for the purposes of the protocol designs:

* '''Credit Network''' - the abstract network of financial trust connections over which payments are routed in Ripple.
  * also '''Trust Network''', '''Payment Network'''
* '''Data Network''' - the network of data connections that serves to pass messages between host machines; the internet.

* '''Node''' - an address in the credit network that can send and/or receive payment.
  * also '''Address'''
* '''Server''' - the protocol software, an instance of that software running on a host machine, or the host itself running the software.

See also [[Main/Currency Ambiguity]].
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Also, since a node is an abstract entity managed by server software on host hardware, they may be used interchangeably sometimes.  For examples, saying a node "knows" something is the same as saying its server software knows something, or that its host knows something.
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''Participant'' is a broad term that might mean user, or server, or host, depending on the context.  Sometimes it's not yet clear at what level a certain action is performed, and so ''participant'' is used as a bit of a catch-all.  It's an informal, vague word.
''Participant'' is a broad term that might mean user, address/node, server, or host, depending on the context.  Sometimes it's, and so ''participant'' is used as a bit of a catch-all.  It's an informal, vague word.
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If we must use ''node'', we should always prefix ''credit'' or ''data'' where it's not clear.
If we must use ''node'', we should try to prefix ''credit'' or ''data'' where it's not clear.  Historically, ''node'' has meant address in the credit network, and ''peer'' has meant host, so assume that if it's not clear.  It's entirely possible that ''node'' will keep getting used out of sheer inertia.
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!!! User/Participant

''User'' means a human who controls one or more nodes.  Often it implies that those nodes are grouped on a single server.  (It's possible that a single human might have "users" on multiple servers.) 

''Participant'' is a broad term that might mean user, or server, or host, depending on the context.  Sometimes it's not yet clear at what level a certain action is performed, and so ''participant'' is used as a bit of a catch-all.  It's an informal, vague word.
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In the context of the Ripple protocol, let's use '''server''' to describe the Ripple protocol software, and/or a running instance of that software on a Ripple host.  '''Client''' software is that which controls a server and/or retrieves data from it. 
In the context of the Ripple protocol, let's use '''server''' to describe the Ripple distributed protocol software, and/or a running instance of that software on a Ripple host.  '''Client''' software is that which controls a server and/or retrieves data from it. 
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There are a lot of words here that have a lot of potential to cause confusion because of their ambiguity.

!!! Network

There are two networks here: the '''[Ripple] ''credit/trust/payment'' network''' and the '''[Internet] ''data'' network'''.  We must be careful to specify which we are talking about.

!!! Node/Peer

''Node'' and ''peer'' could refer to entities on either the credit network or the data network.  These are not the same in general -- for example, one data node could hold multiple credit nodes.  So let's try to avoid them and instead use:

* '''[Ripple] Address''' - a node (point/vertex/endpoint) in the credit network that can receive and send payment.
* '''[Ripple] Host''' - a machine on the data network

If we must use ''node'', we should always prefix ''credit'' or ''data'' where it's not clear.

!!! Connection

Again, ''connection'' could be on either the credit network or the data network. So: '''credit/trust connection''' or '''data connection''', if it's not clear from context.

!!! Client/Server

In the context of the Ripple protocol, let's use '''server''' to describe the Ripple protocol software, and/or a running instance of that software on a Ripple host.  '''Client''' software is that which controls a server and/or retrieves data from it. 
!!! Currency

See [[Main/Currency Ambiguity]].