From RippleWiki

Protocol: PaymentProtocolWorkPage


Message Format

How about:


  "type": (message type),
  (other message fields here),
  ("may-ignore": [
    (sequence of json addresses to fields that the receiver may ignore if it does not understand them),


Of course, this, along with specifying erroneous fields in error messages, requires:

JSON Addressing

JSON addressing works like unix filesystem paths. Take the following piece of JSON:


  "a": 1,
  "b": 2,
  "c": {"d": 4,"e": 5,"f":"d"},
  "g": [6, 7, 8],


Maps (dictionaries) are easy to address -- use the key name. Array sequences (lists) are trickier. The array element at position n (first position is 0) is addressed by "[n]". A wildcard "[*]" indicates any array position.


Paths may be relative to the path of an element as well, meaning that the value "d" at /"c"/"f" may be interpreted as pointing to /"c"/"d" with is 5. (Only if you're expecting a JSON path at /"c"/"f" though, otherwise it's just the string "d" of course.)

Note that the quotations around path elements need to be escaped in JSON strings.

Ripple Payment Protocol Messages

Signed Message


  "signed-message": {
    (Ripple message) 
  "signatures": [
      "hash": ("sha1" | "md5"),
      "sign": ("rsa" | "dsa" | "elgamal"),
      "signature": (base64)


Public Key Data Structures


  "dsa-key": {
    ("p": (base64),)
    ("q": (base64),)
    "g: (base64),
    "y: (base64),
    "j: (base64),
    ("seed": (base64),)
    ("p-gen-counter": (base64),)



  "rsa-key": {
    "modulus": (base64),
    "exponent": (base64),




  "error": {
    "code": (string),
    ("message": (string))




  "time": "2006-10-30 18:47:55.356000"


Account Data Structure


  "account": {
    "account-id": (string),
    "unit": (URI),
    "initiator": {
      "node-id": (Ripple ID),
      "key": (public key data structure)
    "partner": {
      "node-id": (Ripple ID),
      "key": (public key data structure)


Account Request


  "account-request": {
    "request-id": (integer),
    "account": {
      "account-id": (string),
      (remaining account data structure containing requested field values)
    ("note": (string))


Account Set


  "account-set": {
    "request-id": (integer - only present on responses to account-requests),
    "timestamp": (date/time string),
    "account": {
      "account-id": (string),
      (remaining account data structure containing requested field values)


Account Verify Request


  "account-verify-request": {
    "account-id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"


Account Verify


  "account-verify": {
    "timestamp": "2006-11-07 02:11:28.401000",
    "account": {


Account History Request


  "account-history-request": {
    "starting": "2006-01-01 00:00:00.000000",
    "ending": "2006-11-07 02:11:28.401000"


Account History


  "account-history": [
    (a chronological order of signed messages sent and received over 
    this account during the requested period that have changed a piece 
    of shared account data, in the format they were originally sent or 
    received, including signatures)


Account Close


  "account-close": {
    "request-id": 14590,
    "account-id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"


Payment Request


  "payment-request": {
    "payment-id": (string),
    "amount": (decimal),
    "unit": (URI),
    "recipient-node-id": (Ripple ID),
    ("note": (string))


Payment Init


  "payment-init": {
    "payment-id": (string),
    "amount": (decimal),
    "units": (URI),
    ("note": (string))


Payment Accept


  "payment-accept": {
    "payment-init": {
    "recipient-receipt-key": (public key data structure),
    "recipient-certificate": (certificate data structure)




  "promise": {
    "payment-id": (string),
    "path-id": [(ordered list of strings)],
    "path-amount": (decimal),
    ("path-units": (URI),)
    "account-id": (string),
    "amount": (decimal),
    ("onion": (routing onion data structure),)
    "ttl": (date/time string),
    ("penalty-deadline": (date/time string),)
    ("penalty-rate": (decimal),)
    "deadline": (date/time string),
    ("max-receipt": (decimal),)
    "payer-receipt-key": (public key data structure),
    "recipient-receipt-key": (public key data structure),
    "timestamp": (date/time string)


Routing Onion Data Structure


  "encryption-method": ("none" | "rsa" | "dsa")
  ("key-id": (string),)
  "blob": (encrypted routing blob data structure)


Routing Blob Data Structure


  (arbitrary data),
  "onion": (inner layers of onion)


Promise Received


  "promise-received": {
    "payment-id": (string),
    "path-id": [(ordered list of strings)],
    "deadline": (date/time string),
    "amount": (decimal),
    ("max-receipt": (decimal))




  "receipt": {
    "payment-id": (string),
    "path-id": [(ordered list of strings)],
    "path-amount": (decimal)


Receipt Redeem


  "receipt-redeem": {
    "account-id": (string),
    ("amount": (decimal),)
    "signed-message" {


Receipt Accept


  "receipt-accept": {
    ("amount": (decimal),)
    "receipt-redeem" {
    "timestamp": (date/time string),
    ("max-receipt": (decimal))



Promise Release


  "promise-release": {
    "payment-id": (string),
    "path-id": (string),
    "path-amount": (decimal),
    "amount": (decimal),
    "timestamp": (date/time string)


Retrieved from
Page last modified on February 02, 2007, at 10:41 PM