
Implementation.Optimization History

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Added line 24:
** reconciliation + setting new account & exchange data should be an atomic transaction, otherwise transactions that would otherwise affect the client's decision-making might slip in between the two
Changed lines 3-17 from:
* caching payment paths for reuse, both used and unused

* optimizing for cost
** how?  doing it explicitly requires knowledge of account units
** might be done implicitly by tracking which payment paths have been chosen in the past and keeping a kind of pagerank for exchanges
** allow client to indicate whether to optimize for speed or for cost

* caching client account data
** client might specify available credit for accounts and exchange rates between accounts
** data could be specified to expire, or could be good indefinitely until next client update
** client could push data, or specify a URL to pull new data when it expires
*** either of these models might be simpler to implement for the client than the query/authorize/commit callback model...  maybe we should consider starting with these instead?
** server could push account entries back to the client, or client could pull entries from server for reconciliation
*** server would have to keep a balance since the last reconciliation
reconciliation could be "hard", meaning server balance is reset to zero, or "soft", meaning it isn't
!!!! Caching payment paths for reuse

both used and unused

!!!! Optimizing for cost

* how?  doing it explicitly requires knowledge of account units
* might be done implicitly by tracking which payment paths have been chosen in the past and keeping a kind of pagerank for exchanges
* allow client to indicate whether to optimize for speed or for cost

!!!! Caching client account data

* client might specify available credit for accounts and exchange rates between accounts
* data could be specified to expire, or could be good indefinitely until next client update
* client could push data, or specify a URL to pull new data when it expires
** either of these models might be simpler to implement for the client than the query/authorize/commit callback model...  maybe we should consider starting with these instead?
** client-initiated push-pull only allows client to avoid running an HTTP server
** client may or may not wish to confirm each transaction before it is committed
* server could push account entries back to the client, or client could pull entries from server for reconciliation
** server would have to keep a balance since the last reconciliation

** reconciliation could be "hard", meaning server balance is reset to zero, or "soft", meaning it isn't
Changed lines 14-17 from:
*** either of these models might be simpler to implement for the client than the query/authorize/commit callback model...  maybe we should consider starting with these instead?
*** either of these models might be simpler to implement for the client than the query/authorize/commit callback model...  maybe we should consider starting with these instead?
** server could push account entries back to the client, or client could pull entries from server for reconciliation
*** server would have to keep a balance since the last reconciliation
*** reconciliation could be "hard", meaning server balance is reset to zero, or "soft", meaning it isn't
Changed lines 11-14 from:
** client might specify certain available credit is guaranteed for a certain amount of time on certain accounts
** client might specify available credit for accounts and exchange rates between accounts
** data could be specified to expire, or could be good indefinitely until next client update
** client could push data, or specify a URL to pull new data when it expires
*** either of these models might be simpler to implement for the client than the query/authorize/commit callback model...  maybe we should consider starting with these instead?
Changed lines 1-2 from:
!!! Routing Optimization
!!! Transaction Optimization
Changed lines 2-11 from:
* caching payment paths for reuse;

* caching payment paths for reuse, both used and unused

* optimizing for cost
** how?  doing it explicitly requires knowledge of account units
** might be done implicitly by tracking which payment paths have been chosen in the past and keeping a kind of pagerank for exchanges
** allow client to indicate whether to optimize for speed or for cost

* caching client account data
** client might specify certain available credit is guaranteed for a certain amount of time on certain accounts
February 17, 2008, at 09:52 PM by -
Added lines 1-2:
!!! Routing Optimization
* caching payment paths for reuse;