From RippleWiki

Protocol: AccountWorkPage

Account Request


    "type": "account-request",
    "to": (string),
    "from": (string),
    "request-id": (integer),
    "body": {
        "account": {
            "account-id": (string),
            (remaining account data structure containing requested field values)
        ("note": (string))


Account Set


    "type": "account-set",
    "to": (string),
    "from": (string),
    ("request-id": (integer),)
    "time": (date/time string),
    "body": {
        "account": {
            "account-id": (string),
            (remaining account data structure containing requested field values)


Nodes may directly set their own keys and reduce their own limits using account-set. Other modifications require an account-request to obtain the other node's approval. Balance and last-interest may only be modified by account-entry below. A change to the interest rate should be followed immediately by an account-entry settling the outstanding interest at the former rate, with an identical timestamp as the account-set that changed the interest rate.

Account Entry {

    "type": "account-entry",
    "to": (string),
    "from": (string),
    "time": (date/time),
    "body": {
        "amount": (decimal),
        ("interest": (decimal),)
        "balance": (decimal),


Account Verify Request


    "type": "account-verify-request",
    "to": (string),
    "from": (string),
    "request-id": (integer),
    "body": {
        "account-id": (string)


Account Verify


    "type": "account-verify",
    "to": (string),
    "from": (string),
    "request-id": (integer),
    "time": (date/time),
    "body": {
        "account": {


Account History Request


    "type": "account-history-request",
    "to": (string),
    "from": (string),
    "request-id": (integer),
    "body": {
        "account-id": (string),
        "start": (date/time),
        "end": (date/time)


Account History


    "type": "account-history",
    "to": (string),
    "from": (string),
    "request-id": (integer),
    "body": [
        (a chronological order of signed messages sent and received over 
        this account during the requested period that have changed a piece 
        of shared account data, in the format they were originally sent or 
        received, including signatures)


Account Close


    "type": "account-close",
    "to": (string),
    "from": (string),
    "request-id": (integer),
    "body": {
        "account-id": (string)


Retrieved from
Page last modified on May 18, 2007, at 06:01 PM