Protocol /
Ripple Inter Server ProtocolAllows interaction between nodes distributed on many servers. |
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Ripple Protocol Design Technical Documents
Discussions and designs for a protocol by which independent Ripple servers could communicate to route payments between them.
Ripple Protocol v0.6
JSON messages over HTTP.
- Protocol 0.6 - Draft of Ripple core transaction protocol v0.6.
- Exchange Publishing Routing Method - Extension for routing by exchange publishing.
- Registry Commit Method - Extension for transaction atomicity.
- Bare Commit Method - Extension for more decentralized, but not completely atomic commit.
- BlockChain Commit Method - Extension for transaction atomicity using a proof of work blockchain as the registry.
Ripple Protocol v0.5
Custom binary message transport with messages encoded as Protocol Buffers.
- Protocol 0.5 - Draft of Ripple Protocol v0.5.
- Commit Registries - Protocol extension for transaction atomicity
Other Recent Ideas
- Definitions - What's a node?
- Identity - How do people and hosts address each other?
- Knowledge Routing - Give each peer enough information to compute routes itself.
- Messages - Description of protocol messages
- Commit Block Chain - Improve transaction atomicity by creating a block chain of commit messages.
- Building Cells By Block Chain - Improve privacy and scalability by letting well-connected groups of peer endpoints self-organize into cells whose internal connections are then abstracted away from the greater network.
- Tunneling - Improve anonymity and privacy with secure communication tunnels to other endpoints.
- Proxies - Proxy transactions through other endpoints, obscuring the true source or destination of transactions.
- Solution Stack - All the other bits and pieces that form an overall distributed payments and marketplace product from a user perspective
- Distributed Architectures - Different ways of organizing a Ripple network.
- Commit scripts - A proposal for substituting registries and enable new features.
Older Stuff
You can find an animation of a basic transaction here ( .odp open office presentation)
- Design Considerations
- Advertisements
- Grouped Link-State Routing
- Cell Structure Routing
- Reputation
- Account Creation
- Interest
- Protocol mailing list archive
These are meant to be refined during the process of building a reference implementation.
Ripple Protocol v0.4
Ripple Protocol v0.3
- Introduction
- PaymentProtocol
- RoutingExtension
- ChannelExtension
- AccountExtension
- SCTP Binding
- TCP Binding
Ripple Protocol v0.2
- Network Structure
- Host-Level Messages
- Accounts
- Initializing Payment
- Path Discovery
- Payment Transaction
- Routing
- XMPP Binding