
Implementation.Architectures History

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February 08, 2011, at 11:37 AM by Romualdo Grillo -
Changed lines 8-10 from:
[[Main/DistributedArchitectures|more details about distributed architectures]]
[[Main/DistributedArchitectures|Distributed architectures comparision: P2P, Clusters ...]]

[[Implementation/Components|See a map of component in complete Ripple system
February 08, 2011, at 11:11 AM by Romualdo Grillo -
Changed line 4 from:
%width=500px% Attach:Centralized_Architecture.jpeg"Simple system"
%width=500px% Attach:Main/Centralized_Architecture.jpeg"Simple system"
Changed line 7 from:
%width=500px% Attach:Distributed_Architecture.jpeg"Complete system"
%width=500px% Attach:Main/Distributed_Architecture.jpeg"Complete system"
Changed lines 25-26 from:
%width=60px% Attach:Alice.png"Alice"|
''Alice : [[Definitions#User|User]]'' 
%width=60px% Attach:Main/Alice.png"Alice"|
''Alice : [[Main/Definitions#User|User]]'' 
Changed lines 28-29 from:
%width=40px% Attach:Node.png"Node"|
''Alice's node : [[Definitions#Node|Node]]''
%width=40px% Attach:Main/Node.png"Node"|
''Alice's node : [[Main/Definitions#Node|Node]]''
Changed lines 35-36 from:
%width=60px% Attach:Server.png"Server"|
%width=60px% Attach:Main/Server.png"Server"|
Changed lines 47-48 from:
%width=60px% Attach:Client.png"Client"|
%width=60px% Attach:Main/Client.png"Client"|
Changed line 66 from:
%thumb% Attach:BlackLink.png"Direct connection"|
%thumb% Attach:Main/BlackLink.png"Direct connection"|
Changed line 78 from:
%thumb% Attach:RedLink.png"Ripple Merchant API"|
%thumb% Attach:Main/RedLink.png"Ripple Merchant API"|
Changed line 88 from:
%thumb% Attach:RedLink.png"Ripple Client API"|
%thumb% Attach:Main/RedLink.png"Ripple Client API"|
Changed line 99 from:
%thumb% Attach:GreenLink1.png"Ripple-Protocol"|
%thumb% Attach:Main/GreenLink1.png"Ripple-Protocol"|
February 08, 2011, at 11:04 AM by Romualdo Grillo - renamed "ModulesInARippleSystem"
Added lines 1-109:
(:table border=1 width=100% align=center cellspacing=0 :)
(:cell align=center :)
'''Simple system'''
%width=500px% Attach:Centralized_Architecture.jpeg"Simple system"
(:cellnr align=center :)
'''Hypothetical interserver Ripple system'''
%width=500px% Attach:Distributed_Architecture.jpeg"Complete system"
[[Main/DistributedArchitectures|more details about distributed architectures]]

(:table border=1 width=100% align=center cellspacing=0 :)

(:cellnr align=center colspan=2 bgcolor=#cccccc :)
(:cell align=center colspan=2 bgcolor=#cccccc :)
(:cell align=center bgcolor=#cccccc :)

(:cellnr align=center :)
%width=60px% Attach:Alice.png"Alice"|
''Alice : [[Definitions#User|User]]'' 
(:cell align=center :)
%width=40px% Attach:Node.png"Node"|
''Alice's node : [[Definitions#Node|Node]]''
(:cell align=center colspan=3 :)

(:cellnr align=center colspan=2 :)
%width=60px% Attach:Server.png"Server"|
(:cell align=left colspan=2 :)
A Ripple server is an application that stores data for each node and manages interactions between nodes. Users connect to the server to interact with their node. Servers may interact with other servers through Ripple Distributed Protocol (not implemented yet). 
(:cell align=center :)
* [[ | Ripplesite]] - open source code.
* [[ | Rivulet]] - open source code.
* [[ | Circular Multilateral Barter]] - code

(:cellnr align=center colspan=2 :)
%width=60px% Attach:Client.png"Client"|
(:cell align=center colspan=2 :)
Client Application:
(i.e. facebook, ebay ...)
(:cell align=center :)
No client has been created or adapted to communicate with Ripple Servers yet.\\
A [[Main/PotentialRippleClients|list of potential clients]] exists.

(:cellnr align=center colspan=2 bgcolor=#cccccc :)
'''Communication Protocols'''
(:cell align=center  bgcolor=#cccccc :)
'''Entities connected by Protocol'''
(:cell align=center  bgcolor=#cccccc :)
(:cell align=center bgcolor=#cccccc :)

(:cellnr align=center colspan=2 :)
%thumb% Attach:BlackLink.png"Direct connection"|
''Direct connection''
(:cell align=center :)
User - Server\\
User - Client
(:cell align=center :)
Direct connection
(:cell align=center :)
Implemented via SSL in Ripplesite

(:cellnr align=center colspan=2 :)
%thumb% Attach:RedLink.png"Ripple Merchant API"|
''Ripple Merchant API''
(:cell align=center :)
Client - Server
(:cell align=center :)
This protocol allows a Client to access payment services provided by a Ripple Server.
(:cell align=center :)
It may be implemented via OpenTransact.

(:cellnr align=center colspan=2:)
%thumb% Attach:RedLink.png"Ripple Client API"|
''Ripple Client API''
(:cell align=center :)
Client - Server
(:cell align=center :)
This protocol allows a Client application to access all functions provided by a Ripple Server:\\
 i.e. Create an account, set credit limits, make a payment, etc... 
(:cell align=center :)
Partially implemented, [[Implementation/ClientAPI|here]]

(:cellnr align=center colspan=2 :)
%thumb% Attach:GreenLink1.png"Ripple-Protocol"|
''Ripple Distributed Protocol''
(:cell align=center :)
Server - Server
(:cell align=center :)
This protocol allows interaction between nodes that are hosted in different servers.
(:cell align=center :)
Not implemented, a lot of work done ''[[Protocol/Index |here]]''
