
Signed Message


    "signed": {
        (Ripple message) 
    "signatures": [
            "hash": ("sha1" | "md5"),
            "sign": ("rsa" | "dsa" | "elgamal"),
            "signature": (base64)


Hash all characters between the signed-message curly braces. Sign the hash.

Public Key Data Structures


    "dsa-key": {
        ("p": (base64),)
        ("q": (base64),)
        "g: (base64),
        "y: (base64),
        "j: (base64),
        ("seed": (base64),)
        ("p-gen-counter": (base64),)



    "rsa-key": {
        "modulus": (base64),
        "exponent": (base64),




    "type": "error",
    "code": (string),
    ("field": (JSON address),)
    ("message": (string))


JSON Addressing

JSON addressing works like unix filesystem paths. Take the following piece of JSON:


    "a": 1,
    "b": 2,
    "c": {"d": 4,"e": 5,"f":"d"},
    "g": [6, 7, 8],


Maps (dictionaries) are easy to address -- use the key name. Array sequences (lists) are trickier. The array element at position n (first position is 0) is addressed by "[n]". A wildcard "[*]" indicates any array position.


  • /"a" is 1
  • /"c"/"e" is 5
  • /"g"/[1] is 7
  • /"g"/[*] may be any of 6, 7, or 8

Paths may be relative to the path of an element as well, meaning that the value "d" at /"c"/"f" may be interpreted as pointing to /"c"/"d" with is 5. (Only if you're expecting a JSON path at /"c"/"f" though, otherwise it's just the string "d" of course.)

Note that the quotations around path elements need to be escaped in JSON strings.